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Mapperz - The Map & GIS News finding blog. With so many Mapping sites online. This blog tries to provide you with the best maps and services that are currently available online. @mapperz
Labels: Beta, British Library, Pilot, SoundMap, UK
var map = new Map('map', [
// country shapes
new Layer('',
{ fillStyle: '#76e97c', strokeStyle: '#18841D', lineWidth: '0.5' }),
// dots for cities
new Layer('',
{ fillStyle: '#8A2BE2', /*textHalo: '3', textStroke: 'white',*/ textFill: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.6)',
textProp: 'Name', font: 'bold 9px sans-serif' })
Labels: ESRI, HTML5, Javascript, Shapefiles, Viewer
MapQuest Open (Beta) Using Open Street Map Data
Labels: Beta, MapQuest, Open, Open Street Map, OSM
The free of charge features that are listed for private users also apply for any educational purpose, e.g. schools, universities or research.
That means that teachers and students can use StepMap for free considering the general terms ad conditions.
Labels: Customise, Europe, Free, Maps, StepMap, World Coverage
BBC Travel Maps & Journey Planners
Labels: BBC Travel, Car, Directions, Journey, Planner, Transport Direct
Climate Change Impact Using Google Earth
Labels: Change, Climate, Google Earth, Human Impact, KML, Map
Ordnance Survey Map in Bing Maps 1:25k and 1:50k Mapping Scales
Labels: 1:25000, 1:50000, Bing Maps, Maps, Ordnance Survey, Silverlight
Google Maps v3 New Map Mashups - July 2010
Labels: Campus, Custom Maps, Games, Google Map API, Mashups, Twitter, v3
Tour de France 2010 Maps
Labels: 2010, Bing Map, Cycling, Google Maps, July, Routes, Stages, Tour de France, Yahoo