update: 17/04/2007
For more information on ArcGIS Service Pack 2
ArcGIS Service Pack 2 Announcement

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ESRI (UK) - scribble by mapperz
Okay this is a summary due to the large number of bug/fundamental errors in ArcGIS 9.2 (Service Pack 1)
This is truly amazing to see after ESRI did extended beta testing of ArcGIS 9.2
One missing in this is the recently found projection problem - If you have a World Database and it is in Geographic and projection on the fly into Vander Grinten then change the central meridian to 155 degrees
nothing happens! (thanks ESRI - lucky we have 9.1 (SP3) running which works without a hitch)
Come on ESRI produce better software - remember most companies are paying thousands of pounds (and dollars) for the software + thousands more for maintenance.
But where is the compensation when you have lost 100's of production hours migrating to from 9.1 to 9.2 and finding out stuff did work and now does not!
Mapperz Top 10 bugs (fixed? we hope so...)
NIM004761 - BasicGeoprocessor clip doesn’t work at ArcGIS release 9.2.
NIM005308 - Maplex does not produce labels in some situations with data drawn in Geographic Coordinate System.
NIM005313 - ArcCatalog may crash when trying to create a backup using Personal and Workgroup ArcSDE geodatabases if the user creating the back up is a geodatabase administrator and an administrator on the local machine
NIM005500 - Batch Project Script returns an "Error failed to execute" when trying to run script.
NIM005575 - In 9.2, when highlighting a subset of records in Selected View and pressing Delete in edit mode, only the highlighted records should be deleted (as it is in 9.1); instead all selected records get deleted
NIM006180 - When you compress a file geodatabase dataset, any text attribute longer than 256 characters truncates to 256 characters.
NIM006254 - Calculating an angle for annotation in the angle field fails on a single point geometry.
NIM006313 - On some Windows machines, installing ArcGIS 9.2 can cause raster projection not being recognized.
NIM006640 - Adding a spatial index to large shapefiles may fail.
NIM006783 - Representation layers may lose CMYK color information on export to PDF, EPS, SVG, and AI formats.
Full list (have at least 10 mins spare with caffeine)
So try
MapInfo ProfessionalCadCorpAutoDeskESRI - remember there are some very good open source GIS applications out there. With the likes of
Mapserver (very easy to configure - Internet Map Server like ArcIMS but FREE)
QGIS - coming along strong - supports postgres (ESRI were to support Postgres??)
Google Earth is becoming a GIS for the general public to create spatial information
Labels: ArcGIS 9.2, Bugs, ESRI, Service Pack 2