Nokia Maps 3.0 (beta) - New! +Ovi Maps
Update: WOM World have just sent Mapperz a Nokia Nokia 6210 Navigator for testing the New Maps out.
Will do a honest roundup of the new map application with the next week or so.
[Thanks to WOM World for that surprise and the link]
Nokia Maps 3.0 (beta) - New!

3D Buildings, New Terrain Mode, and Faster... Nokia Maps 3.0 (beta)
Nokia are having a large launch of many mapping apps and plugins:
updates will follow...
Important bit of info:
"Finally some words about compatibility. Right now the Maps 3.0 beta is available only for Nokia devices based on S60 3rd Edition Feature Pack 2, but we haven’t forgotten the FP1 users either. The version for you will follow soon. Also we’ve seen compatibility issues with N96, so we don’t recommend using Maps 3.0 beta with it just yet. In Maps 3.0 beta old Maps 2.0 licenses are supported, so if you have Walk or Drive licenses on your device, they will continue working also after the update."
* What’s new: Enhanced car navigation, Drive*, through lane assistance, speed limit warners, improved sign post design and new ‘Route overview’ mode during navigation,
* Enhanced pedestrian navigation, Walk**, through shortcuts (virtual connections) in urban areas, straight line guidance for off-road terrain and beeps and vibrations before next turn,
* Significantly improved map data quality and content,
* 3D landmarks for over 200 cities – can be displayed in 3D and 2D map modes,
* New Terrain*** map mode,
* Hi-res aerial images for Satellite*** and Hybrid*** map modes,
* Nokia Maps Updater for PC, to update your Maps application and existing map data,
* Synchronisation of Favourites and Collections with MapsBeta on Ovi and vice versa (use in online mode, enable Internet connection).
# Coming soon in Maps 3.0 commercial release: Safety spot warners in selected countries
# Extended country coverage for Traffic info service
# Weather information
# Premium POI content for travel, selected events and cinemas
More info from
# Coming soon in the next Beta release: Route planner for Drive, car navigation, and Walk, pedestrian navigation,
# Traffic information,
# Weather information.
Download available from here
Nokia maps comes to the Web Browser (plugin required)

You can now view Nokia Maps in Full Screen on your PC - The Plugin is available for IE and FireFox. (Shown here in IE8)
Plugin download from
Labels: 3.0, 3D, Beta, Browser, Maps, New, New Features, Nokia, Ovi
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