OzCamp Map (Independent Camping)
OzCamp Map (Independent Camping)
Independent camping sites for Australia

The site nows supports the new progress bar loader - also has an excellent interactive sidebar.

Shows the users in real-time markers loading - this is useful when the database expands and the number of markers (campsite in this case) goes up.
"This map has been designed for campers who enjoy free/independent camping. Free camping includes National and State Parks which may attract a fee.
This free camping map has been designed so that anyone is able to add/edit/delete places. Please ensure accuracy when completing the location. Blue markers are where Dogs are allowed, Yellow markers no Dogs. Also added option (as of 18th Sept 2008) to have Purple marker if you are not sure of if Dog's are allowed or not."
- The site is designed for independent camping sites only.
- Feel free to update any incorrect information.
- Commercial caravan parks should not be included. Whilst some of them offer great value for money and can be cheaper than camping in some National Parks it is outside the scope of this site.
- Rest stops not to be included. Sites to be included should be places that you would like to stay at least a couple of nights.
- Please only include places you have been to. Do not just transcribe locations from Camps 4 as that would be a breach of copyright. Also by limiting to places you have been to you can lead to more personalised descriptions of the place.
- If any of the sites breach the above guidelines please delete from the map so that the map doesn't become cluttered with places that aren't for independent camping.
on a separate note:
Google Maps now becoming more like Google Earth...

For more information and debate on the New Google Maps Controls Redesign go to
(these changes are not available currently in the Google Maps API)
Labels: Australia, Camping, Independant, Map, Progress Bar
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