Portable GIS v2 Released
Portable GIS v2 Released
"Mobile GIS in your pocket - all you need on one USB Stick - *Portable GIS v2"
*mapperz recommends

If you want a fully featured GIS suite that works portably from a USB stick in Windows, that can be rapidly deployed and used anywhere in the world, and comes with full setup and support, then this is for you.
Key Advantages:
- Work remotely in the field, and synchronise your data when you return to the office.
- Rapidly deploy pre-configured GIS data and software packages.
- Showcase your work at conferences, seminars and presentations.
- No licensing issues, no matter how many copies you deploy.

The new Portbable GIS v2 Control Panel

Easy installing - and your be up and running in minutes.
What goes on the USB Stick (2GB stick required)
Included software (with versions)
• uDig (1.1.1)
• GvSIG (1.1.2)
• Quantum GIS (1.02)
• PostgreSQL (8.4.01)
• PostGIS (1.4.0)
• Xampplite: PHP, MySQL, Apache (1.6.2)
• Geoserver (1.7.6)
• FWTools: ogr, gdal, python, mapserver, openEV (2.4.2)
• Tilecache (2.10)
• Featureserver (1.12)
• PgAdmin III (1.10)
• OpenLayers (2.8)
The following utilities are also included:
• SqlSync (cross-platform database synchronisation)
• GeoMetadataExtractor (extracts metadata from georeferenced images)
• Shp2Text (converts shapefiles into csv, with coordinate columns)
• Ogr2Gui (GUI for OGR toolkit)
• ShapeChecker (Checks and fixes corrupt shape files)

Control Panel give users fast access to Setting Up, Desktop and Web Modules
Full Credit to archaeogeek who has made this make GIS much more portable and easier to use for all levels of GIS knowledge. Well done and many thanks.
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Labels: archaeogeek, GIS, Mobile, Portable, Released, Suite, USB, v2
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