ArcGIS 9.2 Service Pack 3 Released
As promised by ESRI ArcGIS 9.2 Service Pack 3 is released on time.

ArcGIS 9.2 Service Packs for ArcGIS
- ArcGISDesktop92sp3.msp -165 MB
- ArcGISDesktopHelp92sp3.msp - 379 MB (mapperz recommends to use the web version at all times - as updated more frequently)
- ArcGIS Desktop Developer Kit for the Microsoft .Net FrameworkDesktopSDKDNet92sp3.msp - 51 MB
- ArcGIS Desktop Developer Kit for Visual Basic 6 (no updates since SP2)
- DesktopSDKVB692sp2.msp - 1 MB
- ArcGIS Desktop VBA Developer Resources (no updates since SP2)
- DesktopSDKVBA92sp2.msp 1 MB
- ArcGIS Desktop Developer Kit for Visual C++ (no updates since SP2)
- DesktopSDKVCPP92sp2.msp - 75 MB
- ArcReader ArcReader92sp3.msp - 57 MB
- ArcView 9.2 Evaluation Edition - ArcGISEvalEdition92sp3.msp 165 MB
- ArcGIS Tutorial Data Tutorial92sp3.msp - 4 MB
- ArcGIS Engine Runtime ArcGISEngine92sp3.msp - 115 MB
- ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit for the Microsoft .Net Framework
- ArcGISEngineSDKNet92sp3.msp -51 MB
- ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit for C++ (no updates since SP2)
- ArcGISEngineSDKCPP92sp2.msp - 69 MB
- ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit for the Java Platform (no updates since SP2)
- ArcGISEngineSDKJava92sp2.msp - 1 MB
- ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit for Visual Basic 6 (no updates since SP2)
- ArcGISEngineSDKVB692sp2.msp - 1 MB
- ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit for Visual C++ (no updates since SP2)
- ArcGISEngineSDKVCPP92sp2.msp - 66 MB
- ArcGIS Server for the Microsoft .Net Framework
- ArcGISServerDotNet92sp3.msp - 273 MB
- ArcGIS Server Web ADF Runtime for the Microsoft .Net Framework
- ArcGISServerWebADFRuntime92sp3.msp - 20 MB
- ArcGIS Server for the Java Platform
- ArcGISServerJava92sp3.msp - 254 MB
Labels: ArcGIS 9.2, Released, Service Pack 3
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