
06 July 2007

Official: UK Geocoding Available to Google Maps API

Official: UK Geocoding Available to Google Maps API

From the Official Post by Pamela Fox Maps API Team
Friday, July 06, 2007 at 1:38:00 PM
"We're quite proud that the Google Maps API community is an active bunch in Europe, and particularly, the United Kingdom. To thank all those enthusiastic developers in the UK, we're happy to announce that the Maps API geocoder now supports address geocoding for United Kingdom addresses. I can now geocode all the places I've visited recently: London, Salisbury Castle, Ipswich, Box Hill, Stonehenge, and my relatives' house in Cambridge (not telling the address!). Try it out with your favorite UK addresses or places below: "


"Developers should be aware that the API geocoder is not using the same resources as maps.google.com and may not return the same results. You should also know that neither of the geocoders will help you locate the "loch ness monster." Sorry, Google can't do everything (yet)." :)

Mapperz Happy :)

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