Via Michelin Revamp (Maps, Routes & Photo's)
Via Michelin Revamp (Maps, Routes & Photo's)

Lot of new content availble in Via Michelin Maps - Speed Cameras, Traffic Incidents, Parking and Weather available across Europe.

Full routing (Directions) right across Europe - France to Turkey in this case.

GPS users can send themselves routes (directions) six different types are supported.
Note the good selection of alternative routes - sightseeing, economical quickest, shortest, pedestrian and bike.
Different types of automobiles (with caravan etc) and fuel cost calculator.
Display Hotels, Restaurant and Tourist site on-route.
Very impressive revamp from Via Michelin - the more you look the more there is with this site.

PhotoExplorer is currently in Labs (beta) with Via Michelin but looks familiar to the panorama layer google maps has (but it is Via Michelin own content).
more labs products:
Via Michelin is available in many more languages (Click the Flag Icon at anytime)
Native is French -
You state "GPS users can send themselves routes (directions) six different types are supported." - this is not the case; the file that is created contains only the start and destination points with no route details at all. An opportunity wasted.
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