Google Map Maker Directions - New!
Google Map Maker Directions - New!
Last week, Google switched on the MapMaker Tiles for API developers. See previous post (12th Feb '09).
MapMaker is based on user generated content.
"With Google Map Maker, you can become a citizen cartographer and help improve the quality of maps and local information in your region. You are invited to map the world with us!"
Now those tiles have graduated to Google Maps. 31 countries (of 160+) have made it so far - though this is likely to expand through the year and beyond.
The Full List is available
But wait there is more...
Driving Directions in MapMaker New!
(but use with caution)

Directions in a simpler form have been enabled, usually only the likes of TeleAtlas navigation is used on Google maps but now user contributed content is being used for the first time available in Map Maker Mode only at present [google login required].
Some of the countries do not have the simplified driving directions available.
Here is a working example,68.895264&spn=4.756322,7.426758&z=7
but don't expect this to be the shortest route.
Here is a better example,80.330403&spn=2.724552,3.713379&z=8
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