Google Earth Puzzler Game
Google Earth Puzzler Game

Nice little game for all, the new plug-in seems more responsive.
Play the Game
Apple Mac's can view the game to now.
Google Earth Plug-in, version 4.3.11498.3261 (Windows, Mac)
* Launch of the Google Earth Browser Plug-in for Mac OS X
* Startup time on Windows has been improved.
* KML/KMZ parsing and rendering speed has been improved.
* XML Namespaces are now supported during KML parsing.
* (Issue 66) Polygons and line strings are now interactive and mouse events on these geometries can now be listened to using
* (Issue 76) Fixed a bug that caused a 'Could not create folder' error message upon plugin instantiation if there were spaces in the logged in user's username.
* (Issue 59) Fixed a bug that caused placemarks in interval-refresh Network Links to be duplicated upon user interaction.
Labels: Game, Google Earth, Puzzle, Web Version
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