TfL Bus Route Maps (now using Google Maps)
TfL Bus Route Maps (now using Google Maps)
Transport for London (TfL) have launched Bus Maps using Google Maps.
*almost a contender for best UK Map Mashup Ever.

Example route 38 Daytime with all bus stops listed

Night-time Route 38 - with all stops.
Optional Night or Daytime Routes
Clear Directions and all stops included
Nice 'search for routes near here' feature

Search other nearby routes or plan your journey - or check for planned disruption.

Timetables and Bus frequency is available for all bus stops making it much easier to find your best routes.
If this were in 'real-time' - similar to Real-Time Buses on Google Maps 'University of Michigan Magic Bus' then this would be one of the best Google Map UK Mashups ever >> Met Office Invent still leads that in @mapperz opinion. Still a very good update to what was on offer before.
View the Map with Bus Routes
old maps [pdf's still exist]
found blogged by Mapperz
Labels: Bus, Day, Frequency, London, Nearby, Night, Routes, TfL, Transport
thank for these informations..very happy to find out this.
is the poi coords data available for bus stop locations in london?
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