The London Of Sherlock Holmes...Mapped
The London Of Sherlock Holmes...Mapped

The New movie and the New Map of Locations

Find the locations of Sherlock Holmes and even some answers to clues on this Map of Sherlock Holmes in London.
The whole world is about to go Sherlock Holmes bonkers, due to the Warner Brothers movie starring Robert Downey Junior and Jude Law and Directed by Guy Ritchie of Lock Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels and Snatch fame.
"With each new telling, the character receives a certain amount of reinvention. One thing is constant, though. London. You can't have Holmes without the city he was so intimately associated with. But which parts of town did he know best? Our well of nerdiness will never run dry, so we re-read all the original Holmes tales and plotted every London location on the map above.
Some interesting patterns emerge. Naturally, there's plenty of action around the Baker Street area, but Holmes never once set foot in nearby Soho. Zooming out, there's a surprising cluster of incidents around Crystal Palace. The reason is elementary when you know that Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle lived for a time in South Norwood. We haven't plotted the numerous out-of-town locations mentioned in the books, but you can get a sense of Holmes' peregrinations by noting which rail stations he used most. Southern stations Charing Cross and Waterloo are visited a combined total of 16 times, while King's Cross and Euston are only blessed with the detective's patronage on four occasions."
Key: Green = precise location; red = imprecise location; purple = real-world Holmes-related sites; blue line = route taken by Holmes. Page numbers refer to those in the Folio Society's 1994 collection
source: The Londonist
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Official Film (2009)
Official Website for the New Movie
Labels: Clues, London, Map Channels, Mapped, Sherlock Holmes, Solved
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