Parish Mapper and Church Finder for England
Need to find a parishes or churches in England

A very functional and very fast mapping soultion for finding Parish and Churches in England.
QThe Church of England has licensed the Royal Mail/OS postcode data, so we use that for the initial positioning of the map; the user then clicks their exact position and the system will find the parish containing the click. And if details of local churches have been input, then there are links to those too. I have to confess I was rather pleased with the database design which allows the system to find which of 43000 polygons throughout England contains the clicked location, and within two seconds."
Because of the real postcode data, you're limited to 12 postcode searches from any one IP address in any 24 hours. There are unlimited clicks on the map available.
Thanks to Andrew Leach
This shows how verstile mapping themes in google maps can be. A very fast site. Good work
Proves that good Database Design is worth the investment.
Thanks to Andrew Leach
This shows how verstile mapping themes in google maps can be. A very fast site. Good work
Proves that good Database Design is worth the investment.
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