MagicShop FrontDoor Beta (BING & OSM)
MagicShop FrontDoor Beta (BING & OSM)
Something to do when your really bored: move address locations for Bing and contribute to OpenStreetMap (OSM)

What's this? Every time you help Frontdoor correct an address point to the front door you're improving the local search results in Bing Maps. You're also contributing address position data under the ODbL to the OpenStreetMap project.
No more details....
Map and Fix some Addresses
Labels: Bing Maps, Front Door, MagicShop, OSM
really, really, really bored.
I would argue that this is a huge waste of time, as adjusting the positional accuracy of addresspoints +- 50 feet is not the major data problem that the industry faces - it is missing / invalid addresses / streets etc
Maybe you're missing the point. This tool isn't for "the industry". It's not something for GIS professionals to scratch their beards over. It's a microtask interface for crowd contribution en masse. Everyone! The youtube generation. On your phone. On a bus. To some extent it doesn't matter if it is a "huge waste of time", as long as it's dead simple and quick to contribute.
Having said that, I agree that there are other dead simple tasks which could have been presented to the user which would have been more interesting, particularly in relation to OpenStreetMap data cleanup.
What's more this task suffers from a fatal flaw...
You can't actually see where a front door is by looking at aerial imagery from above! (Am I missing something here??)
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