MapQuest Embed Two OSM Editors
MapQuest Embed Two OSM Editors

Our new edit button is really three different edit button or links: below the search result & top right of your map; and edit links that are built into the popup information box. The popup information box allows you to choose which OSM editor you want to use in order to edit the location (or surrounding area). Your two edit tool choices are Potlatch 2 (hosted by MapQuest) or JOSM (known as the “Java OpenStreetMap Editor”). Potlatch 2 uses a GUI user interface for easily making edits whereas JOSM allows you to download chunks of the OSM data onto your desktop to edit and then upload the newly changed data back onto the OSM servers for processing. (Note: be sure JOSM is already installed and running when you click the JOSM edit link.)"
Quite an achievement for both MapQuest and OpenStreetMap
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Labels: JOSM, Map Editor, MapQuest, Open Street Map, OSM, Potlatch2
Thank you for the awesome write-up!
Just wanted to say that its
the is not up yet - we're working on a couple more things before we stand up our US Open site :)
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