
05 April 2010

OSM compare with OS Opendata Meridian2

OSM compare with OS Opendata Meridian2


Also Openlylocal is using the OS Opendata Postcodes

update2 : Geocode Great Britain Postcodes >> (not Northern Ireland) in HTML, XML, CSV, JSON or RDF formats. [now improved]

update at bottom: OS Streetview(10k rasters) with OSM in WGS84 (latitude, longitude like google,bing multimap maps)

View OpenStreetMap tiles and the new Ordnance Survey OpenData Meridian 2 tiles.
(but go with Meridian2 now or wait for VectorMap District next month?)

OSM compare with OS Opendata Meridian2
Redruth could be improved with the import of Meridian2 data - but is it worth waiting for the New OS Dataset 'VectorMap District' due in May 2010?

Meridian 2 Scale
The product is typically viewed at 1:50,000 and at this scale the generalisation of its features maintain geometric integrity and accuracy."

OSM compare with OpenData Meridian2

Traditional Open Street Map tiles can Meridian 2 help improve the more rural areas with many missing roads?

Compare the maps yourself woth the slider in the top left corner.

[Very helpful and quickly set up]

May2010 - sample data is now available for
Bath (SP76) & Milton Keynes (SP83)
VectorMap District format and scale
Raster (lzw tiff)
Nominal scale is 1:25 000.

Recommended scale range is 1:20 000 to 1:30 000.

Vector (ESRI Shapefile)
Nominal scale is 1:25 000.
Recommended scale range is 1:15 000 to 1:30 000.

Coming soon – mid-scale customisable mapping

May 2010 will see the launch of OS VectorMap District, a customisable map that you can style to meet your own specific needs. What's more it will be available to use as part of the OS OpenData initiative!

OS VectorMap District provides a backdrop against which other datasets, together with your own information, can be overlaid. OS VectorMap District provides a great combination of high-quality data with the freedom to show the content you want, in the way you want to show it.

OS VectorMap District will be available in both raster and vector formats, so you can use it “out of the box”, or customise the look and feel to meet your specific needs. The vector format is supplied as points, lines, polygons and text, and includes 35 different types of feature code. This allows you to select and style different features in different ways."

More details

Ordnance Survey Streetview (Rasters) with Open Street Map

Ordnance Survey Streetview (Rasters) with Open Street Map (Development)

1 comment:

  1. Might be worth waiting for the District vector data. Here's an area I started mapping a week or so ago:

    As you can see, lots of minor roads missing from the Meridian data and very low fidelity on others.
