A nice web GIS mapping solution....
Overlay of Crime data using Openlayers and using Ordnance Survey Mapping from the GetMapping Map Service
Clear thematic data is overlayed and fully interactive to query online but importantly easy to use by non-gis users (key fact!)
1:25,000 Ordnance Survey (Explorer range) is used - making buildings and rights of way information viewable - you don't see this level of detail online often.
**Hopefully after the Ordnance Survey Consultation (Deadline 17th March 2010) this data and others is made available freely to use - Due April 2010.
The main features of the SaferMK Community Safety Mapping site are:
- It provides details of All Crime and anti-social behaviour (ASB) incidents and trends over the previous 12 months.
- It is a web-based mapping system allowing Neighbourhood and Area (estate, village or town) level analysis of crime and anti-social behaviour, using data obtained from Thames Valley Police, the Milton Keynes Council and Buckinghamshire Fire & Rescue Service.
- It displays anti-social behaviour data that isn't published by any other source.
- It displays information (data and graphs that show trend) in data balloons for each Neighbourhood or Area and gives comparison data against the whole of the borough.
- It provides the ability for residents and users to download standardised data; and to produce a standardised anti-social behaviour report for a specific Neighbourhood, which includes graphs and tables.
View the Interactive Map - http://safermk.zubed.com/
Credit to Zubed for the creation and implementation of this easy to use web mapping solution.
Have you seen www.beatcrime.info for residents in West Yorkshire? It has been improved from the first version (which used static 1:50K OS maps) and now shows dots for locations of crime with Bing maps. The IPR is West Yorkshire Police Authority but it was solely developed by a small team in West Yorkshire Police. There aren't many dot based maps around so this is quite unique.