ArcGIS 9.3 Web-based Help Now Available
update 02/07/2008 (7pm)
best and worst of the Help
Great to see the ArcGIS 9.3 Help up and running for all users now.
One thing I have noticed is the ‘Geoprocessing Center’ promised is either late coming or still out of date…(anyone know anymore?)
The best updated function so far is the 'Near' Command (ArcInfo Only)Supporting Input points,lines, polygons and multipoint.
(a long time request)
old version only supported points as an input
Mapperz (via the James Fee 'Spatially Adjusted' Blog CommentsArcGIS 9.3 Web-based Help Now Available

ESRI finally have updated their Support pages with 9.3 web-based Help
Quick picks
PDF Support (Acrobat 9.0)
(export with layers and attributes)
Postgres Connection
(via ArcSDE)
ArcGIS 9.3 Shortcuts
Animation of Data
And finally ArcGIS understands nominal scales!
so now One inch = 5 miles works. (thank you ESRI)

ESRI 9.3 Help now 'out of beta' and available for all to view and use.
New Features and Helpful 'error' messages have plain English explanations
The final build number for ArcGIS 9.3 is Build 1770
via Mandown (NZ)
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