- World Golf Courses Mapped and App'ed - World Golf Courses

Golfshot is now available for the iPhone and available from the App Store.
- Golfshot makes it easy
- Over 22,000 courses ready to play
- No software to install on your computers
- Show up and golf
Golf is a game. It should be fun.
We designed Golfshot to be easy to use, understand and share.
No computer downloads...simply add Golfshot to your iPhone and go play golf.
Scorecards, Statistics and now GPS Aerial View and GPS List View, are all included with
Golfshot: Golf GPS.
but many more from (23,000+)
and On the iPhone

Distances calculated and touch screen controls for the golfer.
We have over 23,000 courses mapped – mostly in the US, but we’re adding them worldwide. You can search and view courses at You can also request new courses for free from the same page.
Golfshot: Golf GPS is now featured in the Apple App Store at introductory pricing and no subscription.
More details:
Full Users Guide
*Google [Aerial images and API] requires an internet connection to view images for the course.
Tip - You are able to download images with WiFi and they will be available on the course if you keep the app open.
Labels: app, Golf Courses, Golfshot, GPS, iPhone, Mapped, touch
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