Yahoo Go! 3 (Beta) Maps Updated
Yahoo Go Beta 3 Maps updated
Downside - on the N82 with auto-rotate Yahoo Go! Beta complains it cannot display in Landscape mode on the Phone - weird.
Google Maps can cope with Auto-Rotation on Nokia N82's
Yes still in Beta, there is still room for improvements. Both Google Maps and Yahoo do not have traffic information for UK or Europe, maybe take this out of the options when you have selected a European Location as default?
Nokia N82 users there was firmware updated made available 08/04/2008 (version 20).
The 108.2mb update - mainly includes Flash lite support and adds GPS location (geotagging) to photographs you take (provoided you have a good GPS fix).
So now you can view stickpeople fighting....

Flash is now available for N82 users.
Labels: 3.0.18, Beta, Directions, Flash, N82, UK, Version, Yahoo Go
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