BBC Correspondents Map (v4.0)
update: 02/02/2008
The BBC Correspondents Map gets an Official blog post from Google Lat/Long
1 February 2008 [v4.0]
- Moved up to new version - with shiny new photos and RSS links to the latest three articles on the BBC News website. Enjoy!
31 January 2008 [v3.2]
- Fixed layout bug in Firefox - thanks to it being entirely developed on BBC computers (and therefore in non-compliant Internet Explorer 6), it didn't display in browsers which are standards-compliant. This issue has now been fixed.
- Design change to move the black bar to the top of the page instead of the bottom.
30 January 2008 [v3.1]
- Fixed bug where correspondents based in bureaux were not displayed in the list.
30 January 2008 [v3.0]
- Changed info bubbles to tabs - one for each correspondent - in preparation for future features.
- Added links to BBC News search in order to find stories from the city, country and correspondent.
update: 31/01/2008
The BBC has taken a liking to this site:
"For more great news and maps mash-ups, take a look at this blog."
blog post by Darren Waters
Mapperz hopes that the BBC takes this on, as Geo-Spatial content is and will be a powerful media representation for BBC News.
maybe add latitude and longitude to RSS feed to get GeoRSS -
google already support this functionality
"News has location and can be mapped." Mapperz
BBC Correspondents Map (v2.5)

Version 2.5 of the BBC Correspondents sees new features based on user comments & feedback
A Great Mashup a few days old and moves on at a great pace...
Todays changes:
- A distinction between correspondents and stringers, as requested by users
- A full list of correspondents, stringers and bureaux, for users who have a name but not a location
- 4 RSS feeds for others to mash up
- Still to come: - More info on each correspondents- Links to correspondents' work on the BBC News Website from their location bubble
- More as I (Stuart) thinks of features
Version History:
29 January 2008 [v2.5]
Added a full, clickable list of correspondents, stringers and bureaux.
Introduced 4 RSS feeds which makes use of all the data.
Added an information link to explain more about the map.
Added this version history!
27 January 2008 [v2.0]
Added a comments link for feedback.
Added stringer distinction following feedback on the comments.
Databased the correspondent data up, to make it easier to update and in preparation for future features.
Slight redesign of the bottom bar to accommodate new feature links.
22 January 2008 [v1.2]
Added plenty of new correspondents to the map.
21 January 2008 [v1.1]
Added key to the map and the 'Jump to' section to go straight to a specific region of the world.
20 January 2008 [v1.0]
Map launched.
The Mapper - Stuart Pinfold, Media Co-ordinator, Newsgathering Traffic.
"works in the department (unique to the BBC) which intakes calls from every BBC correspondent and either records their despatches for use across all radio and TV outlets (including the World Service) or connects them to the TV or radio studio for live two-way interviews with the anchor."
The Map Link:
(and look out for new features, see 'Version History')
other useful links:
Labels: BBC, BBC News, Correspondents, Map, New Features, v2.5
Neat! I hope that the fellow you've got as being in Zimbabwe is just his alibi - aren't the BBC banned from there?
It's good, though, a good e.g of using mashups! Might well point some of my students in its direction.
Interesting... though growing up with a father who worked in international journalism, there used to be some issues in some parts of the world with journalists being kidnapped and ransomed or held for political demands...
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