Google Earth Allowed At Work!
Google Earth allowed at Work!

Great News to users of Google Earth but the restriction is limited to Internal Use only.
Google End Users Licence Agreement (EULA)
Version 4.1 "You may not use the Software or the geographical information made available for display using the Software, or any prints or screen outputs generated with the Software in any commercial or business environment or for any commercial or business purposes for yourself or any third parties."
Version 4.2
"For a business entity user, the Software may be used by you and your employees for internal use"
"Google Earth Free finally becomes a proper universal browser of georeferenced data."
Ogle Earth
Mapperz see's this as a great way and potential improve Google Earth and make it into a Simple GIS.
Google Earth Release Notes
What's the difference between Google Earth, Google Plus and Google Pro?
"Google Earth" is the free product for Windows (Vista, XP, 2000), Mac (OS X 10.4), and Linux
"Google Earth Plus" is the subscription-based consumer product, available for Windows and Mac only. You can
upgrade to Google Earth Plus via the "Help" menu of the free version of
Google Earth. This version is for non-commercial use only. It has all the
functionality of the Free version and adds the following features:
* GPS devices, including real-time tracking with NMEA
* Higher resolution printing
* Path Measure Tool
* Importation of .csv address files (limited to 100 points)
* Faster network performance
- "Google Earth Pro" is for professional use. It is available for Windows and Mac and includes all the features
in Plus and adds the following features:
* Polygon and circle measure tools
* Style templates (improve presentation of your data)
* Importation of .csv address files (limited to 2500 points)
* Data Importer
* Movie Making
* Very high resolution printing
* Email and chat support
Labels: 4.2, Allowed, EULA, Google Earth, Google Earth Plus, Google Pro, Work
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